Building Control opening hours are between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

If your query is regarding a new project and you would like to discuss your proposal with one of our surveyors, then email us providing full details and we will endeavour to respond within 5 working days, bearing in mind if pre-application advice is required then a charge may be applicable.

If your query is relating to an existing application, please quote the building Regulation application reference number on all your e-mails or telephone calls.

Please be advised that If your query is relating to a Planning Application then please contact the relevant planning authority and not Building Control as we can not assist with any planning enquiries.

Phone: 01684 862223

for all general Building Control enquiries only, telephone payments and technical queries
EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All general enquiries, Building Regulation applications, additional information and technical queries

Booking an inspection

Please be aware that inspection requests must be made no later than 4.00pm on the day before the inspection.

Phone: 01684 862223

EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To help us to help you when you email or phone please give the following information:

  • the site address
  • the application reference number
  • what the inspection is for (stage of work) and the day you want the inspection


You can now book your site inspections via the LABC Site Inspection App.

Download on your phone to make booking inspections even easier.